All Article articles – Page 8
Lesson Share: Conversations
Matt Done wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson about making polite requests with correct form and pronunciation.
Vocabulary Builders: IT metaphors
Help your students master information technology jargon. Now with Interactive Worksheets!
Advancing Teaching: Global Citizenship Education
Learn about the fundamental ideas behind Global Citizenship Education and its importance in a modern ELT classroom.
Lesson Share: Political Hot Potatoes
Alice Rodgers wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of political idioms.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Online polls
Students read about different types of polls and what they are used for.
Digital Skills for Teens: Intermediate—Digital voice recording tools
Students read about different tools they can use to record and share their opinions via audio recording.
Digital Skills for Teens: Upper Intermediate—Timelines
Students read about how to create timelines and how they can use them in their everyday lives.
Digital Skills for Teens: Pre-Intermediate—Video clips
Students read about creating video clips and using online tools to edit them.
Vocabulary Builders: Truly loving collocations
Get your students to truly love collocations and teach them words that are most commonly used together.
Advancing Teaching: Visible Thinking Routines
Learn about the best ways to create routines that make the thinking process intentional.
Lesson Share: Discourse Markers
Stephanie Valerio wins this month’s Lesson Share with a lesson introducing adult learners to the use of discourse markers.
Digital Skills for Teens: Elementary—Podcasts
Students read about podcasts and then create their own to share with the class.
Digital Skills for Teens: Upper Intermediate—Online writing
Students read about how to write online and then create their own text to share with the class.
Digital Skills for Teens: Intermediate—Presentations
Students read about online presentations and then create their own to share with the class.
Digital Skills for Teens: Pre-Intermediate—Online biographies
Students read about online biographies and then create their own to share with the class.
Advancing Teaching: Critical Thinking Skills
Learn about the best ways to develop your students’ critical thinking in this Advancing Teaching article and video.
Digital Skills for Teens—Pre-Intermediate
Worksheets which are designed to help your Pre-Intermediate teenage students learn new online skills.
Digital Skills for Teens—Intermediate
Worksheets designed to help your Intermediate teenage students learn new online skills.
Digital Skills for Teens—Upper Intermediate
Worksheets designed to help your Upper Intermediate teenage students learn and new online skills.
Digital Skills for Teens—Elementary
Worksheets designed to help your Elementary teenage students learn new online skills.