Contemporary ELT Methodologies
First steps into … Introduction
Daniel Barber gives an introduction to this new series about emerging pedagogies.
First steps into … Flipped Learning
In the first in this new series, Daniel Barber gives an introduction into Flipped Learning and the language classroom.
First steps into …the ‘Four Cs’
Communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. Daniel Barber introduces the ‘super skills’ that 21st century students can’t do without.
First steps into …classroom technologies
How do you know which classroom technologies to choose? Daniel Barber and Brian Bennett suggest a framework for assessing what’s right … and what’s just hype.
First steps into ...student collaboration in and out of the classroom
How can you encourage students to collaborate both in and outside the classroom? Daniel Barber and Brian Bennett suggest building online communities for project work.
First steps into ...making digital work for you
There are a plethora of digital tools available to help you manage your classes and the tasks you have to do outside of the classroom. Where do you begin? Daniel Barber provides some tips on making digital work for you.
First steps into ...supporting learner commitment outside the class
Why is it so important to support learner commitment outside the classroom? How should you do it? Daniel Barber suggests some key things to consider.
First steps into …making effective use of classroom time
How can you make more effective use of classroom time? Daniel Barber provides some suggestions for maximising class time effectively.
First steps into ...encouraging independent practice for 21st century learning
What are the advantages of independent practice? And how can teachers encourage more of it? Daniel Barber provides some steps for implementation.
First steps into ...using digital content for the right learning outcome
When – and why – should you introduce digital into your classroom? Daniel Barber suggests some key things to consider.
First steps into ...using digital to support students who are learning at different paces
Students learn at different paces. Daniel Barber introduces the benefits of using digital to support mixed-level classes and suggests some practical tips.
First steps into ...Blended Learning
In the third article in this series, Daniel Barber takes a closer look at Blended Learning and what it means.
First steps into ... Digital Literacy
In the second article in this new series, Daniel Barber investigates Digital Literacy and its impact on the ELT classroom.