Cultural News Lessons
Culture news lessons: English butler
English butler leads China's latest cultural revolution.
Culture news lessons: Beware the shopocalypse
One man's crusade against consumerism in New York.
Culture news lessons: We are all teenagers
Culture is dominated by the concerns of young people.
Culture news lessons: Jerry Springer: The Opera
Blasphemy and censorship. Who controls what we watch on TV?
Culture news lessons: The latest gadget
Consumerism gone slightly mad or consumers who are pioneering early adopters?
Culture news lessons: Game show cheats
Who wants to be a millionaire so much that they will cheat in order to win? The court case that followed the TV game show.
Culture news lessons: NYPD moves to the beat of rap music
A story from New York about the police listening in to rap.
Culture news lessons: The Princes of Ponderosa
Light-hearted article about how some Australians have declared their homes, streets or suburbs independent of the Australian government.
Culture news lessons: Hollywood boys' club
Are there enough women making films? Hollywood remains a boys club with women directors and writers hitting a 'celluloid' ceiling.
Culture news lessons: Should TV entertain or inform?
In Britain the soaps, the 'reality' shows and celebrity TV dominate the small screen.
Culture news lessons: The influence of American culture
Invasion through the big screen and the television.
Culture news lessons: Slackers at Covent Garden
The riffraff are storming the barricades of high culture.
Cultural Lessons
A selection of culture news lessons from The Guardian Weekly, focusing on general interest stories, each with an accompanying worksheet of activities.
Culture news lessons: Honking horns teacher's notes
A lyrical response to the nuisance of traffic noise in the big city.
Culture news lessons: Honking horns
A lyrical response to the nuisance of traffic noise in the big city.
Culture news lessons: English butler teacher's notes
English butler leads China's latest cultural revolution.